may we have different options for the video resolution,i think i have bad or weak internet
my God is more than able glorrry
wow wow gloryyyyy
gloryyyyyyyyy awesome Thank you Jesus.Thank you pastor chris tor the healing stream
Awesome God
Glory be to God
Wow this is great
thank you Lord
Wow God is great
www. e
what aglorious testimony
Amen Jesus
thank you lord for this healing
Groly to God
thank you lord for ur miracle working power.
Glory be to God
thank you Lord.
Thank you Lord Jesus
praise the lord hallelujah
wow …. our God of wonders
Thank you God for your faithfulness
God is wonderfully excellent indeed
Glory be to God, who is Faithful and Just.
Wow what a testimony Glory be to God
Glory to God in the highest!
Oh, hallelujah! Thank you Lord Jesus for this glorious healing testimony. Glory!
Glory to God for Omoye's miracle and her parents Faith/giving
i can't hold my tears of joy thank God for this miracle, I thank God for this testimony.
oh hallelujah to Jesus.
Thank God for saving Omoye"s life.
Hallelujah. thank God for a brand new omoye. what a testimony
Glory to God
wow! thank you Jesus, you are a great God.
Cynthia Akwei from Ghana:God is wonderful ,God is awesome thank you
God is awesome! glory be unto His name
Glory to God, this is awesome.
Awesome. Glory be to God forever
wow wow wow! what a testimony! thank you Lord Jesus and congratulations to you. God is loving and kind awesome
thank you great God
Amen and Amen very touching. I saw the video on Loveworld 585
amen thank you Jesus amen
wow thank God
Thank you Jesus for Omoye’s healing.
Glory to God
glory to God
Praise God of wonders
God is faithful.
what a great God we serve the God of wonders
OMG! this is wonderful, Glory to God. I believe that the same God that turned around Omoye's situation around has turned mine around a
God is our Father
awesome is our God!
WOW , we serve a living God , what a time to be alive to witness such miracles ,Thanky you God
Hallelujah Glory to our GOD!!