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2024-04-14 10:13:41

hi want to say testimony god have heali me for

Josh Bender
2024-04-10 04:11:34

Hallelujah ????

Naff Mwaura
2024-04-08 06:35:36

Gloooory to God. Am blessed by this

Isioma Osaghae
2024-04-04 00:43:55


Abu Umoru
2024-04-03 15:45:53


Ashinedu Adesina
2024-04-03 14:57:06

amen, thanks a million Pastor Sir

Dafe Obukohwo
2024-04-03 13:49:07

amen! thank you so much Pastor, for learning God’s Word and teaching us. i’ve been bombarding my mind with the Word through the various platforms that’ve been made available (PCDL especially). God bless you sir

victor Wataku
2024-04-03 13:32:54

hallelujah Glory to God.