Ministers Impact Report 2021-01-17 1,934 8

Members of Healing School Partnering Ministries are committed to spreading the Gospel of Christ and taking healing and restoration through God's Word to millions around the world.

Pastor Jimmy Thankanchan of Pentecostal Fellowship Church and a member of Healing School Partnering Ministries has organized various campaigns and outreaches geared toward the salvation of souls in India. In a special program tagged 'Spread Faith Campaign', he hosted hundreds in a power-packed session with teachings from the man of God, Pastor Chris.
This meeting had in attendance excited attendees across the city of Odishi, India, who came with great expectations to receive powerful words that would transform their lives forever. Ministering at this meeting on the importance of theme for 2021 'the Year of Preparation', Pastor Jimmy charged thus: "Now is the time to make up your mind to serve the Lord with all your heart. As we await the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are to fix our gaze on Him and ensure that nothing distracts us from fulfilling our purpose in Christ."

The participants were stirred in their spirits to be more steadfast to the things of God than ever before. They also committed themselves to the spread of the Gospel across the nation of India. Surely, all who were impacted by this event will never be the same again. Pastor Jimmy declared words of blessing over all that were present. Many got healed during the program and over 20 souls were won to Christ. Glory to God!

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