The construction in our opening verse is about one word—purpose. This passage talks about the Israelites, and God’s reason for bringing them out of Egypt was so that He could bring them into the Promised Land! This is how He wants us to approach our salvation in Christ Jesus: He saved us (brought us out of sin) so that He might bring us into our inheritance in Him, our place in Him. This mentality will make a huge difference in your life; it’ll completely change your destiny and make it one of greatness only.
He didn’t just save us; He did it for a reason. The real message of Christianity isn’t just about the ‘savior’— Jesus. Yes, He is the Savior, but He did much more than ‘saving us’. If saving us was all He came to do, that wouldn’t be Christianity. Being saved was a means to an end. Now that you’re saved, welcome to a new life, but it’s much more than that. He saved us so He could bring us into oneness with Himself, our place of righteousness, glory, greatness, dominion, and excellence. Jesus brought us out of sin so that we might inherit His righteousness. He brought us out of death, pain, and penury so that we might have life in abundance and live in prosperity, health, and wellness every day on this earth.
Notice again His purpose for bringing them out of Egypt: it was to give them the land that he swore to their fathers; the land of their inheritance, and make them great as He said to Abraham. God had said to Abraham, “I’ll make a great nation of your descendants, I’ll bless you, and I’ll make your reputation great, so that you will be a blessing” (Genesis 12:2 ISV). But they had become slaves in Egypt; that wasn’t greatness. He delivered them so that His purpose for their lives would be realized; so they’d become the great ones that He wanted them to be. As slaves, they couldn’t have the land. He had to bring them into liberty, to give them the land.
God has a purpose for your life, as He has a purpose for everything that He does. In John 10:10, Jesus said, “...I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” 1 John 3:8 says, “…For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” Then, in Luke 19:10, He said, “...The son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” His purpose was very clear: He came to do the will of the Father.
Like Him, you were born for a purpose; you came to do the will of your heavenly Father. You weren’t born for nothing. You were born for the glory of God. You were born to walk with Him and bring Him honor. He planned from the beginning that you’d serve Him and live unto Christ. Now we can help those who don’t know Him to discover His light, learn about Him, and receive His righteousness. That’s why we’re His witnesses. He saved us and made us His partners in saving others. You can now see that there’s much more to our salvation in Christ.
Let that purpose become established in your heart today. Take a hold of that revelation: the divine vision to bring Him glory; and you’ll experience tremendous growth and success in your life, and in all that you do.
Life in Christ is a beautiful experience that brings unending joy and peace. You can start this new life by clicking here: and saying the prayer of salvation. This act of faith is the first step to take as you begin your journey as a new creation in Christ.
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