
Ministers from several parts of North, South and Central America converged in San Salvador for an awe-inspiring time of impartation and transformation at the Pastors and Leaders Conference. 

The meeting began with intriguing moments of heartfelt prayer and intercession for the spread of the Gospel across the Americas. The choir created a peculiar atmosphere with soul-stirring songs, causing all to worship the Lord Jesus and declare His majesty and dominion with lifted hands.

Pastors Armando and Sandra Osorio - the program hosts - addressed the attendees, assuring them that there would be a turnaround in their lives and ministries. They urged everyone to shun distractions and raise their faith for a special ministration of the Spirit at this Conference. 

The highly esteemed Reverend Tom Amenkhienan took the stage to minister the Word in the fullness and power of God. Pointing out that the countrys name - El Salvador - means the Savior (our Lord Jesus Christ), he encouraged the congregants to be relentless in the spread of the true Gospel across the country and beyond. 

In his insightful teaching, Reverend Tom expounded on the subject of true Christianity. He said, “God did not make a poor specimen. "So when you say you’re a Christian, you should be bold, prosperous, victorious, successful and strong. Wherever you find yourself as a Christian, know that you are the light of that community; you are the deliverer." He concluded his message by charging the ministers to reject the down-life with its attendant failure, weakness and sickness.

 The session ended with many ministers receiving the infilling of the Holy Spirit. There was great rejoicing as the ministers departed, eager for the next meeting.