You may never be able to see beyond your present horizon until you change your present position. The limit of your horizon is dependent on the height of your position. The higher you go, the more your horizon expands. It's the same thing spiritually.
When you begin your walk with the Lord, most of the dancing you do may be in the flesh. You may dance with all your might to praise God until you're sweating profusely. But then, God would begin to teach you how to magnify Him without moving your body. You can be lying on your bed and still have a glorious time of praise and worship.
Then comes a higher dimension where you realize that there's such a thing as praising God in the Spirit and dancing in the Spirit. At this higher level, your dancing is not birthed by human emotions or physical ability; rather, it's your body's response to what is happening in your spirit. This is when you're so lost in God that your body can't stay still anymore, your clapping, dancing or shouting is actually a physical response to what's going on in your spirit.
The truth is this: it's your spirit that was actually clapping, dancing and shouting; your body only went along. Can you now see why some people could burst into laughter under the unction of the Holy Spirit? This is a higher level of living in Christ Jesus.
You need to grow spiritually; you need to leave the level of life you've been living for a better and higher one. In 2 Corinthians 13:14, the Bible talks about the communion of the Holy Spirit, which also means fellowship with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will transport you from point A to point B. He'll take you to the next level of your life, where you are now is not the end.
Remember that Moses was eighty when God called him, and he ministered to the Lord for forty years afterwards. There's no limitation with God; wherever you are in your walk of faith, there's always a higher level of life and you can only attain it through fellowship with the Spirit.
So, make your spiritual development a priority today. Move beyond merely praising God in the flesh and with the emotions of the flesh, and learn how to praise Him from within.
Tune in to Healing Streams TV to watch special teachings by the man of God, Pastor Chris. Visit healingstreams.tv/schedule to find out when it airs!
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